Friday, September 13, 2013

Very useful tip if your job involes a lot of social media for Twitter and Facebook

Are you fed up with being limited to 140 characters on Twitter? If you are someone who needs to post updates about a company, product, event, or anything else, it is very hard to say what you need to say in 140 characters....especially if you need to post about it often but want to say it in different ways. Well I have your solution. I'm sure a lot of you know about this, but I'll bet a lot of you don't know as well. This tip can also be useful even if you don't have to use social media for work and just want it for personal use. Well, if you want your followers to see longer posts, there is a way to link your Twitter page with your Facebook page so that they can see the entire thing instead of it being cut off.  I can't tell you how many times I spent hours on Hootsuite because I was posting multiple things to Twitter and Facebook together and then when I save it, it cuts off everything I just wrote at 140 characters..and then I have to rewrite them all again!

Here is the solution...go to this website and follow the directions. It's that simple! You just need to authorize the app with Twitter and then once you post something longer than 140 characters onto your Twitter and Facebook pages from Hootsuite, it will automatically leave a link to that Facebook post so that it doesn't have to cut it off! This is going to be a life saver to many people, and it definitely is to me! So spread the word!

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