Sunday, February 3, 2013

Social Super Bowl

The Super Bowl is tonight, and there will be plenty of social media activity going on. In an article on Social Media Today, they say that the companies the release their commercials before the Super Bowl actually helps the game get as many as 600% more views than if they didn't. There will also be many more YouTube views, tweets used as story lines for commercials, allowing fans to create commercials for companies (such as the Goat for sale video), and letting fans send in photos to be used to introduce Beyonce in the halftime show. Now more than ever, social media is going crazy with millions of people tweeting about the Super Bowl, getting involved with ad campaigns and commercials, and just getting them to tweet about their company to gain more recognition. It's crazy what social media has come to. Obviously this year will have more people tweeting than last year because it is more popular now, but how big is it going to get over the years? And when will it hit its peak? Companies are definitely taking advantage of social media in the best possible way this year; it has become such a great way to generate more buzz and to get people involved with their campaigns. It's amazing what social media has come to. I can't wait to see where it will go. 

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